Adult Sewing Classes

Instructors - Jackie Gentner

  • Registrations are now being accepted. Each two-hour class is limited in size to provide individual attention. Each student completes his or her project at his or her own pace.
  • Schedule: Classes are available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Call for current openings. Additional times may be added.
  • Cost: $72.00 for the first four-class session is due with registration along with a one-time $15.00 registration fee for new students.
  • Classes are ongoing. Each additional class is $18, sold in sets of four for $72.00.
  • Supplies: You will need to purchase fabric and notions for each of the projects. You may bring your own machine or use one of ours at no additional cost. All of the basic supplies for sewing are provided including: scissors, pins, tape measures, markers, sergers, etc.
  • Projects: Pillowcases, a butcher's apron, and pajamas.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call 574-271-1775. If there is no answer, please leave a message.